555 Fitness is a mission based Not For Profit founded by Emergency Service Personnel in 2013. We started with the goal of reducing cardiac related deaths within the Fire Service. Over the past 6 years, we have become a leading voice calling for a cultural change within the entire Emergency Service Community.
555 Fitness’s growth can be directly attributed to the volunteers who staff its ranks. By having a mission first attitude, these volunteers have placed the health and well being of the entire emergency services community as a priority within their own lives.
555 Fitness provides daily workouts for free on our social media platforms, as well as our free downloadable app. Each year, we award Fitness equipment grants to departments through the Strength is our Foundation Grant program. We also partner with organizations for private fitness equipment grants.
Our Mission Has Expanded…
555 Fitness started as an idea to create a cultural change from within. We believe that sharing our passion for personal health and wellness on social media helps to show its importance to Firefighters worldwide. We never thought we would become the organization we are today.
With our mission based on change and growth, we would be narrow minded to not allow it to change and grow as well. With that growth, we have now expanded our reach to include all members of our Emergency Services Family. The Strength is Our Foundation Fitness Equipment Grant Program is now open to any and all Emergency Service Departments.
We have updated our logo to represent the Growth and Change within our organization. Our team looks forward to continuing to push for changes in regards to personal health and wellness across all Emergency Service Providers. But we can’t do it alone. Now, more than ever, we need your help to continue this positive change.
We will continue to push forward with new initiatives, programs, engagements and ideas. All we ask is that you continue to live the Train Hard - Do Work - Give Back lifestyle. Each member of Team 555 can agree that this lifestyle has given us far more then we can ever give to it.
Stay Safe and Stay Healthy.